6 Fitness Apps to Help You Stay Fit All Year

6 Fitness Apps to Help You Stay Fit All Year

Jan 20 2017

One of the most popular New Year’s resolutions is to be healthier, but unfortunately it can be difficult for many to follow through.

You’ve probably heard people use the phrase, “new year, new you.” This refers to the changes and resolutions that many set out to achieve in the upcoming year. Getting and staying healthy are among the top resolutions that people make. However, according to clinical psychologist Dr. Joseph Luciani, by the second week of February, about 80 percent of resolution-ers have already given up, and are back to their old habits.

There are many health apps available that can support you in your journey to better health. Stick to your healthy resolution this year with one of these six apps:

  1. Pact

Pact offers a unique approach to promoting a healthy lifestyle. There are three types of pacts – gym, veggie and food logging. Users of the app decide how much money they are willing to pay if they do not reach their fitness goals for the week, and if they don’t reach the goals, then they owe money. On the other hand, if users reach their goals, then they are paid from the money given by other users. The app’s website claims a 92 percent success rate, 11.8 million workouts, 4.6 million meals logged and 6.2 million veggies/fruits eaten.

  1. MyFitnessPal

MyFitnessPal is one of the most popular health apps. The app functions as a detailed calorie counter. It has more than five million foods in its database. You can either scan the barcode or manually search for the food, but with such a large database you can enter almost anything and get an accurate caloric intake. Not only does it track food intake, but MyFitnessPal is able to track the amount of calories burned from various types of exercise as well. Through a combination of tracking both food and exercise, MyFitnessPal offers comprehensive support for users as they progress toward a healthier lifestyle.

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  1. LIVESTRONG MyQuit Coach

It’s no secret that smoking is detrimental to our health. Millions of people continue to smoke every year but conversely many are also trying to kick the habit. Sadly, because of the addictive nature of nicotine, quitting can be difficult. MyQuit Coach is an app from LIVESTRONG that offers smokers support as they try to quit. The app lays out goals, personalized plans, and more to help the user create a routine to wean off cigarettes until they no longer smoke.

  1. Zombies, Run!

Running is one of the most effective ways to lose weight, develop cardiovascular endurance, and become healthier. The only problem is that for most people who try to start running, it can be boring or tedious. Zombies, Run! is a fun way to get into a running routine while playing a game. When you begin your run, the app will give you a mission, encouraging you to speed up if you are being chased by zombies. In the game, players collect supplies and must walk, jog, or run in order to make progress in the game. Zombies, Run! features an award winning storyline that is sure to keep players interested and invested in continued exercise and use of the app.

  1. Waterlogged

One of the easiest and most manageable ways to improve your health is to simply start drinking more water. The problem is that many people either don’t know how much water they should be drinking every day or they forget to drink the right amount. Waterlogged is an app that allows users to track the amount of water they are drinking daily to reach their total recommended intake for the day. Not only can you track water, but you can track your intake of soda, coffee, tea and other drinks to ensure the healthiest hydration possible.

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  1. Pacifica

An often overlooked part of health is mental health. Pacifica is an app that is focused on helping people maintain and keep track of their mental health, moods and relaxation. The app offers techniques to curb stress, keep a record of moods and thoughts, and set daily goals. With this app, users are able to see their mood history as a pattern of mood changes, figure out the cause and how to improve. The relaxation techniques in Pacifica include meditation tips, deep breathing exercises and muscle relaxation techniques.

Start using one or more of these six health apps to help you start and keep your resolution long-term.