Industries wasted no time tapping into the possibilities of our new appendage, the smartphone, with online banking, shopping and even sleep monitoring. Health plans are now offering more and more ways for members to engage in their health through digital platforms.
Take advantage of these four technology trends to get the most out of your health care plan.
1. Health Care On-The-Go
There’s an app for that. Register and download your health plan’s mobile app and you will be able to access things like:
- Your personal health plan information
- Claim summaries
- Cost and quality tools to be a more informed consumer
- Prescription information
- Mobile membership card
The benefit of having a mobile app is that you will have access to this information easily 24/7 and on-the-go. Whether you are at your doctor’s office and need to look up your health plan information or at the pharmacy and need to show your membership card, it’s all right there on your smartphone.
2. Go Paperless
Sign up to go paperless and receive your claim activity statements electronically instead of through the mail. This option is environmentally-friendly, and also convenient for you. Who really needs more paperwork anyway? This way you’ll be able to see all of your statements in one place and have access to them whenever you log in to your member account. You will also have access to your member materials and plan documents.
3. Get Care Anytime, Anywhere
If you’re sick and your doctor isn’t available or it’s after business hours, get your care electronically through a virtual visit. If you don’t need to go to urgent care or the emergency room, you can skip the waiting room and see a doctor online or over the phone, all from the comfort of your couch. Virtual visits are great for treating symptoms such as:

- Fever
- Sore throats
- Sinus infections
- Respiratory infections
- Cold and flu
If your health plan offers virtual doctor visits, sign up now so the next time you are sick you can take advantage of the service.
4. Calculate Your Costs
Price transparency tools such as Healthcare Bluebook or Cost Estimator can let you know the cost of care before you walk through the door to receive the service. This puts you in the driver’s seat when it comes to your health care costs. The price of care for X-rays, lab tests and surgeries can vary by hundreds or even thousands of dollars based on which facility you choose. Priority Health’s Cost Estimator allows members to search for more than 300 health care procedures and calculate out-of-pocket costs, to find lower-cost options. Tools such as Healthcare Bluebook can find the going-rate for a procedure in a given geographic area. Doing your research before you get care helps you understand how much you can expect to pay and whether it’s a fair price, saving you money in the long run.
Your smartphone can help you become a more engaged health care consumer, making your life more convenient and ultimately, saving you time and money. It’s definitely worth exploring technology trends. These features are there to make using your health care easier.