By: Derrick Worthey
Growing a garden is a rewarding pursuit and can greatly enhance your well-being.
Not only is gardening a perfect family activity, but having fresh vegetables, herbs or fruit encourages healthier eating habits. In fact, studies found households that garden are more likely to eat produce than non-gardeners!
Luckily, you can grow a garden just about anywhere! Whether you own a home or rent an apartment, having your very own garden space is possible. To get started, follow these tips to create a large or small hobby garden this season.

Large Garden Space | Direct Sow.
Direct sow means you prepare the soil and then plant the seeds directly into the ground. This method allows you to plant bigger crops, leading to a larger harvest.
However, direct sow can create more work through extra weeding, watering and garden maintenance.
Best times to water? Early in the morning or just before sundown.
Pro-tip: One way to save money on gardening is to grow plants from seeds. It’s also easier to find a variety of seeds and all you need are a few essentials such as containers, quality soil and the ability to keep your soil warm.

Medium Garden Space | Raised Garden Beds.
Growing in raised beds has gained popularity over the past few years because it gives you a lot more control over your garden space.
The upside? Greater control and management of the garden soil and less weeding.
The caveat is, you will need to water more.
Best times to water? Early in the morning or just before sundown.

Small Garden Space | Pots and Window Boxes.
If you have limited space and still want to produce some of your favorite things, then sowing your garden in containers and window boxes may be ideal.
Keep in mind, you won’t be able to grow as much as someone who direct sows or has raised garden beds. However, container pots will give you the perfect opportunity to grow fresh produce in a limited space.
Growing fruits and veggies in a container or window does require more watering.
- Here are some popular items you can grown in pots and window boxes:
- Strawberries
- Chives
- Radishes
- Cherry tomato varieties
- Lettuces
- Spinach
- Carrots
- Herbs, such as rosemary, basil, thyme and mint
- Here are some popular items you can grow in containers:
- All the above plus squash
- Cucumbers
- Peas
- Swiss chard
- Kale
- Potatoes
- Eggplants
- Peppers

You really can grow a garden almost anywhere!
Plus, having a garden is a great way to get some fresh vegetables into your and your family’s diet. Happy gardening!
About the Author: Derrick Worthey is the co-owner of This Worthey Life, a food + lifestyle blog. He resides in Mid-Michigan with his wife, Tatanisha, their three teen boys, and two adorable Labradoodles.