Wine has been a part of our culture for thousands of years. It’s been used to cure ailments, sterilize drinking water, relieve stress and even cure intestinal worms, to name a few. The Bible includes lessons about wine. Greek religion celebrates Dionysus, the god of wine. Jars containing evidence of wine have been found in the tombs of Egyptian pharaohs. In 2020, an estimated 3.09 gallons of wine were consumed per person in the United States alone. Clearly, our infatuation with wine has withstood the test of time. Check out these four interesting tips and facts about wine.
1. Wine can have a positive impact on heart health.
Moderate amounts of alcohol can have blood-thinning effect, and the compounds within wine can reduce the risk of clots. Some research suggests that 1-2 drinks per day can increase high-density lipoprotein (HDL) cholesterol (the good kind), thanks to the anti-inflammatory properties of wine. And for many, a glass of red can really help you “wine down,” as scientific evidence shows that the anti-inflammatory actions help reduce blood pressure, and cut your risk of death from a heart attack.
2. Study (anti-inflammatory and antioxidants) abroad.

Red wine is common in the Mediterranean diet, leading some scientists to believe wine is partially responsible for the health of the people in this part of the world. Then there’s the “French Paradox,” the observation that, despite a diet high in saturated fat, there is far less than expected heart disease in France. These observations have led researchers on a quest to understand why. As science continuously evolves, so does our understanding of how wine impacts our health. It it’s said
that components of wine including resveratrol, coumaric acids, PVPP (polyvinylpolypyrolidone), procyandins, quercetin and numerous others are responsible for the unique health benefits of red wine. In many ways, red wine is a “cocktail” of its own—chock full of anti-inflammatory agents and antioxidants.
3. Red or white?
Research favors red wine over white as it contains more antioxidant power. Why? This is believed to be due to the winemaking process itself. Red wine is fermented with the skins, seeds and stems of the grapes, but white wine is fermented without—and therefore contains less of these beneficial compounds.
4. Less is more.
If you do drink, do so in moderation. This means no more than two drinks per day for men, and one per day for women. While a glass has positive health benefits, excess wine consumption (or alcohol consumption in general) has deleterious effects on your health including increased blood pressure, risk of stroke, heart disease, insomnia and even certain cancers, if excess use is repeated long-term.