3 Ways to Avoid Over-Indulging on Holiday Treats This Season

3 Ways to Avoid Over-Indulging on Holiday Treats This Season

Dec 24 2014

We’re all guilty of over-indulging during the holiday season at one time or another.

With so many holiday celebrations this time of year, it’s easy to overdo it calorically. But you don’t need to deprive yourself to stay on track this year. Making these three changes will help keep you in shape all season long.

Priority Health - Personal Wellness - Holiday Treats - Avoid Overindulging

Get Technical

Adding some technology to your daily routine is an easy way to keep you on track. Take the guesswork out of your food intake by downloading a calorie counter app for your smartphone, or treat yourself to a step counter to get those 12,000 steps in each day during the holiday season. Spending a few minutes getting these items up and running is well worth the health benefits they’ll help you achieve.

Priority Health - Personal Wellness - Holiday Treats- Avoid Overindulging 5Plus, these tools help set yourself up for success. Too often, we tend to set our expectations too high during the season. Getting to the gym every day might not be possible with all the moving pieces. But, being cognizant of food intake or hitting the recommended daily steps is much more feasible and can make a big difference.

Remember not to set your goals too low, either. Holiday weight gain is not inevitable if you take the right steps.

Go for the Greens

Priority Health - Personal Wellness - Holiday Treats- Avoid OverindulgingIf filling your plate at the dinner party is a must, load up on the vegetables and healthier dishes available. You’ll feel satisfied, and you won’t be taking in as many calories. Not sure what leafy green options will be available? Offer to bring a dish to share and look for recipes that play into the holiday theme – perhaps a kale salad with cranberries or brussel sprouts with pancetta.

Healthy tip: eating vegetables is a great way to get your daily requirement of vitamins and minerals; they help lower your risk for heart disease and different types of cancers; and they keep your body healthy.

Choose One Indulgence

Priority Health - Personal Wellness - Holiday Treats- Avoid Overindulging 1Holiday parties are always filled with two popular treats: desserts and alcoholic beverages. Both are hard to turn down, but they’re also very high in calories. Instead of giving up both options, leaving you feeling deprived, choose one indulgence for the evening. Staying away from the desserts? Save the cocktails for an after dinner treat.

Healthy tip: go for the “skinny” cocktails – all the flavor with less sugar and calories!

If you choose desserts for the evening, you don’t have to stick with boring water in a plain glass. Jazz it up by pouring some sparkling water in a cocktail glass and adding your favorite citrus garnish.
